Friday, September 28, 2018

America's Morals are Restored and Kavanaugh Collapses (Hopefully)

By Kris Mead

The level of straight face lying has reached an exorbitant level in the last two years. Just this past week America had a potential Supreme Court Judge, Brett Kavanaugh, refute his alleged claims of sexual assault against him by sharing with the Senate Judiciary Committee his high school calendars, which ironically, marked the days in which he planned to drink … underage. However, he was quick to note that he never drank “too much” and never had a lapse in memory from drinking (right …). What was even more amazing was the very fact that Americans, “hardworking Americans,” believed Brett over the alleged victim – Dr. Ford.

Ford has nothing to gain from making this accusation and providing her testimony to the Committee, other than providing the American people a fair assessment of Judge Kavanaugh’s character. Kavanaugh will not have any criminal charges pressed against him from Ford’s testimony and Ford will not receive any sort of civil award for damages.

One set of Americans who side with Brett Kavanaugh but must desperately fight their moral conscience to do so are women. These types of Americans seem to suggest defenses such as, “everyone does stupid things in high school” or “I wouldn’t want someone looking back 35 years into my past” are legitimate.   Their defenses don’t refute that Judge Kavanaugh committed sexual assault, but rather they try to rationalize committing sexual assault with say, “teepeeing Johnny’s house.” The latter is something that immature youths commit, while the former is an egregious act that is not only immoral and outright disgusting, but is a felony.

The other kind of defense that many Americans have used is to first rationalize Kavanaugh’s actions, and then, second, go after Dr. Ford’s credibility.  The first attack that Kavanaugh supporters use against Ford is the fact that, “why did something that happened 35 years ago, and was alleged to be so terrible, just now become public knowledge?” This attack demonstrates that the attacker lacks information about women who have been sexually assaulted and, more importantly, women who have been sexually assaulted by men who had resources (i.e. rich, white men). These victims tend not to report. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2016 only 23 percent of victims of sexual assault or rape reported these incidents to authorities. The reasoning for not reporting is usually due to fear that the victim will experience retaliation, especially if the alleged perpetrator is well known or comes from a wealthy family. It was also found in a report by the Rape, Abuse, & Incest, National, Network (“RAINN”) that, between 2010-2014, out of every 1,000-sexual assault perpetrators, 994 walked free.

The other attack that they use against Ford is “she was probably drinking at the party and so was no angel either.” Yet this is again trying to rationalize attempted rape with underage drinking. If these linear thinking apologists were to actually listen to Dr. Ford’s extremely detailed testimony, they would  realize  she was not asking to have sex. Consensual sex does not typically require the man to place his hand over the woman’s mouth to stop her from screaming. Furthermore, consensual sex usually does not require the man to have to try and rip off the girl’s clothes.

So, there is ample reason why Ford did not come forward earlier.  Also, it wasn’t that Ford had never discussed this assault with anyone previously.  It was stated that in 2012 her counselor, whom she was seeing because of sexual assault experience, noted that Ford told her she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh in high school. Also, Ford told her husband in the same time. Ford repeated her claims in 2013 during a counseling session.

Finally, what these hearings have established are not only the partisanship and level of indecency that has engulfed the Republican Party (remember this was the party that was supporting a child molester for the open Senate seat in Alabama … luckily he lost … barely), but the white male privilege which has been in American politics since its onset.  Although it would appear that women have made strides in government, it still seems that with a flip of a switch white men can still force their will and do so unapologetically. Also, what is sickening, is the fact that the Republicans just need a simple majority to get their “guy” on the bench. The fact that they will refuse to withdraw Kavanaugh’s nomination and select another far-right judge is due to two fears. The first fear being that the Republicans would be politically embarrassed. In other words, by taking away Kavanaugh’s nomination, they would essentially be saying that, “yes, this guy is too far gone and we were wrong to select him.” The other issue is the Republicans are afraid that they may very well lose Congress in the midterms. So, by having to go through a whole new nomination process, they may not get Republican dominant hearing before the elections.

Both of those points only matter if the Republicans set aside their morals, which they haven’t done on numerous occasions. For if the Republicans listened to their morals, they would realize that Kavanaugh is a lying scum bag of a man. In his “firing” rebuke on Thursday Kavanaugh sounded like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rush Limbaugh as he decided to claim that all these allegations were some sort of left wing conspiracy and a “Clinton revenge.” In Brett’s opening lines he displayed that he is not a neutral jurist, but rather a deeply slanted, right wing ideolog who most likely will decide law, not based on the facts, but based on his conservative and nonexistent morals. Kavanaugh is a man who is adamantly opposed to an FBI investigation, into the alleged claims of sexual assault, but at the same time professes he is completely innocent. In turn, because the hearing is not a criminal trial, the “burden of proof” is not that of “beyond a reasonable doubt” but just a mere “preponderance of the evidence.” With that burden of proof measure, there seems to be enough character doubt against Kavanaugh that he should not be deciding cases and enforcing law against the American public, and especially not deciding law against American woman. For if Kavanaugh had no problem trying to rip a woman’s pants off, he surely would have no problem deciding women’s rights, as it appears he doesn’t believe they have any. So yes, people do “dumb things in high school”, but as the old saying goes, “some people don’t change from high school.” Kavanaugh may have grown up, but he is still that rich, entitled, kid from suburban D.C., who is unaccustomed to not getting his way. It’s a shame Republicans, even with all their Bible belt rallies, can’t find any morals to stand on. What they have found is under the culture of Trump, when the moral high ground is an impediment to maintaining power, bypass the high ground, feign righteous indignation, but by all means, keep the power!    

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